Booths are staggered on opposite sides of History 2nd Street from Highway 24 to A Street. I booth map is provided to artists at registration.
Tent Size 10′ x 10′ ($200) or 10′ x 20′ ($400) – space for each booth is 12′ wide x 10′ deep.
Tents must be weighted, no stakes or screws in the pavement.
As required by the Cedar Key Fire Chief for safety purposes (1) all booths must be positioned against the curb (2) no front awnings are allowed (3) space between booths must be kept clear and (4) sidewalks behind booths must be clear to foot traffic.
Your distributed booth tag MUST be placed in the upper lefthand corner of your booth as viewed from the street for judging compliance. We use a well-qualified judge from a different institution each year and require the judge to enter each tent and engage with the artist as part of the judging process.